Are you looking for a breakthrough in your life?
Would you like a closer connection with God?
Does it feel like something is holding you back from fulfilling your God-given destiny?
If you answered YES to any of these questions, then Sozo prayer ministry could be exactly what you are looking for.
Unlocking Freedom and Destiny
Activate Church Hamilton is pleased to offer Sozo prayer ministry to help people gain a greater level of freedom and connection with the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit. This ministry is open to everyone.
What is Sozo?
Sozo is an effective, safe, and very gentle prayer ministry birthed out of Bethel Church in Redding, California. The confidential ministry sessions are approximately two hours long and are designed to:
Identify any lies that are separating you from a close, trusting, and intimate relationship with the Trinity – and replace those lies with truth.
Heal any past wounds that are still affecting you today.
Identify and gently close any access areas that have given the enemy a legal right to harass you, stunt your growth as a Christian, and rob you of your destiny.
Help people in good spiritual health gain a fuller revelation of God.
Sozo is not a counselling session. It is instead a powerful time of interacting with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit for wholeness and pursuing of destiny.
What Does the Word "Sozo" Mean?
Sozo is a Greek word translated "saved, healed, delivered". The word is used over 100 times in the New Testament to refer to the "complete package" of salvation, deliverance, and healing. For instance, in the story of the ten lepers in Luke 17:11–19, nine got "cleansed" of their leprosy, and the one that went back to Jesus praising God for his healing was "sozoed" (i.e. cleansed and made whole).
Here are some scriptures to study and meditate on:
Salvation. “That if you confess with your mouth Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead you shall be saved (sozo).” Romans 10:9
Healing. “But Jesus turning and seeing her said ‘Daughter take courage your faith has made you well (sozo)’ and at once the woman was made well (sozo).” Matthew 9:22
Deliverance. “And those who had seen it reported to them how the man who was demon possessed had been made well (sozo).” Luke 8:36
Booking a Sozo
Sozo prayer ministry is available at Activate Church Hamilton at 10am Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, and 7pm Wednesday and Thursday. Other ministry sessions may be available at times. Sozo's typically take up to two hours, and involve having two to three people in the room with you. We also offer Sozo via Zoom, these sessions will be around 1-2 hours.
The ongoing development and resourcing of this ministry is funded by donations from those receiving prayer. The suggested donation for people who do not attend Activate Church is $50. People who are part of the Activate Church family are asked to consider making a donation of $35. Alternatively, anyone may donate as much as they can comfortably afford.
We encourage making your donation prior to your booking by making a direct credit to: Activate Church 12-3476-0025813-00. Put your surname in the code section and SOZODONATION in the reference field. Please screenshot confirmation of your online payment and email it to: sozo.hamilton@activatechurches.com. Once we receive confirmation, we will secure your booking. Your contribution to this ministry is greatly appreciated.
Want to know more?
For more information please call/text the Activate Church Hamilton Sozo team on 027 6515 375, email them or visit Bethel Sozo New Zealand.
Making a Donation
Open your banking app or website
Under Statement Details, please use the following as a guide
Your Surname