Activate Leadership Accelerator 2023
Mon, 13 Feb
Accelerating our leadership capacity as we pursue what God has called us to.

Time & Location
13 Feb 2023, 9:00 am – 2:30 pm
About the event
For Church and Business Leaders, and your Teams.
We're investing in the amazing people who work and serve across the many charities in our Activate Group and you're invited to be a part of this action-packed leadership development day. We’re bringing in leaders from all different fields to share their leadership lessons, their expertise, and their experiences to augment your leadership and your teams. The Activate Leadership Accelerator will grow your capacity, strengthen your mission and add valuable tools to your leadership toolbox.
Our special guests are:
Keven Mealamu - Leadership field: International Sport.
His experience includes being a part of the All Blacks leadership team and running a successful Auckland gym.
Steve & Sally McCracken - Leadership field: Christian Ministry.
Josh Van Berkel - Leadership field: Media, Business and Ministry.
Activate Leadership Accelerator will be hosted by Pastors Sheridyn & Jan Rodgers.
FREE Leadership Growth Tools are available here