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Church in Action - Feed our kids-01.jpg

You can make a real difference by hosting a breakfast or lunch for our Kids onsite at Vision College. If you'd like to help, please reach out to Pam Wilson at

Prepare a meal and drop it off at Vision College reception, where they'll have freezer space available. Please include the name of the dish, the ingredients, and the date it was cooked. Your meal will go directly to our kids and their whaanau.

Many of our Vision College students are coming to school every day with empty tummies. The food source feeding these kids in previous years has dried up and the Vision College Cupboard is bare. Let's jump in to feed our kids and their whaanau all October for Church In Action month.


Help stock up the pantry by bringing non-perishable items to the church on Sundays. We'll deliver the donations during the week to make sure that the Pantry is filled.

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